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May 23, 2023

Legislature guarantees minimum health insurance subsidy to full-time substitute teachers

LAS VEGAS — The Nevada Senate voted Tuesday to pass Assembly Bill 282, which will provide substitute teachers who work 30 consecutive instructional days with a subsidy to purchase health insurance, affording more than 1,000 educators statewide the potential for health insurance.

ACLU of Nevada Executive Director Athar Haseebullah said:

“The teacher pipeline shortage has only continued to grow, and substitute teachers have become a lifeline to many of our schools. It is long overdue that these community heroes are given basic access to health care. It is absolutely ridiculous that our state’s two largest school districts, CCSD and WCSD, actually opposed a health insurance subsidy for full-time substitute teachers and refuse to provide them with health insurance. We thank Assemblywoman Shondra Summers-Armstrong for championing this cause and bringing this piece of legislation forward and look forward to seeing the governor demonstrate his commitment to these educators who continue to fill gaps full-time without support.”